CorroHeat® Heat exchangers
Industrial plants in which the exhaust air is corrosive incur high energy costs due to the need for high rates of air change. Increased energy costs force us into saving and re-using energy.
CorroHeat® heat exchangers are produced in the following versions:
- air/liquid
- liquid/liquid
- gas/gas or gas/air
Typical applications of CorroHeat® heat exchangers are
- heat recovery from gases or liquids
- heating of gases or liquids
- flue gas condensation
The heat exchangers are principally intended for environments characterized by dust-laden, abrasive, corrosive air/gas or corrosive liquids. In CorroHeat® heat exchangers, all parts are therefore made of corrosion-resistant plastic materials, such as PE, XLP, PP, PVDF and PVC, with casings of GRP. The heat exchangers are produced in a number of versions, sizes and materials, depending on the flow rates, media and temperatures. Automatic flushing is available as an option.
CorroHeat® heat exchangers are available as tubular heat exchangers and as cross-flow plate heat exchangers.
Typical application for CorroHeat® heat exchangers include surface treatment plants, the pulp, chemicals, pharmaceutical and electronics industries, and in the condensation of flue gases.